Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Bog cotton

One of my poems in Scots. I don't write in Scots as often as I maybe should, but I'm pleased with this one. It was published in The Propriety of Weeding (Red Squirrel Press, 2012)

Bog cotton

Wrappit in ma downie canach sark
Ah feel nae win, nor fear nae cauld.

A kin o girss, ye say?
Ae silky tassle, snaw-bricht,
bends wi the warslin westers
an chitterin northlies
bit stauns abin the muir,
nae heich, nae sae heich
as hae them pu’ed oot.

Some fite flags is no
fur giein up, bit gauin oan.

Colin Will