Friday 5 April 2013

NaPoWriMo 06

Watch the instruction manual

To change the fingers:
Hold down the bump in the wrist
below the thumb
and close your fingers.
Reopen, supinate.
Press the palm twice
to display the line
where your home is.
Use thumb or ring finger
to advance or retard.
Press scaphoid bone again
to return to fixed hands.

To change the way your hands wave:
Hold the pinkie firmly
and press the nail five times.
Press the thumb against a table
until the nail is flushed and pink.
Cross ring and index fingers
to move your whole hand
to the desired position.
Check your pulse with the vein
of your inner wrist.
Cross your palm with silver,
check the life and heart lines.

To become alarmed:
Shake your left hand five times.
Shake your right hand ten times.
Hold the left hand in warm water,
your right hand in iced water.
Toggle by switching hands
between basins until
the desired setting is achieved.

Colin Will